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Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

  1. ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED a limited company incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, which term where applicable shall include its successors-in-interest and assigns. ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED packages plan offered by ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED with entitlements and privileges as specified herein.

  2. Packages includes any person(s)/company/firm in whose name the ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED Agreement Certificate is issued on realisation of the full Payment. !n the case of joint application, the First Applicant shall be the Principal Purchaser. It is clarified that persons would be included within the meaning of the “PURCHASER” from the date of receipt or realisation by the company of the full Payment up to such time as the Package is withdrawn or cancelled or otherwise terminated in accordance with the terms and conditions listed in this document.

  3. “Applicant” any person(s)/company/firms who or which applies for ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED Package by executing the application form prescribed by ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS’ AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED. In the case of joint application, the First applicant will be treated as Applicant for the purpose of communication with the company.

  4. Package Price means total .fees payable towards package as per the price structure fixed by ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED from time to time and shall comprise of (a) a non-refundable one time Admission Fee (AF) for BUYING as ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED PACKAGE being Rs. 15000/- Plus 18 % GST.

  5. ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED means resorts developed by ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED and include and tied up/taken on lease/acquired by anyother arrangement by ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED and specifically made available for availing holidays from time to time for use of its Package buyer. Non- ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED Notified Resorts (ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITEDNR) means resorts which are declared as ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED by ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED from time to time.

  6. A purchaser (including both purchaser in case of joint purchase) who has paid the full Package Price with prior permission to ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED entitled to transfer his/her/its package to any person provided there are no dues payable the purchaser to ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED. Any such transferee will be registered as a Purchaser only when he/she/it surrenders the Original ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED Package Certificate and an Authorisation Letter of the previous purchaser for the transfer. In addition to above the transferee shall also produce the documents of transfer as prescribed by ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED and pay such fees as prescribed by ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED from time to time towards transfer charges for effecting transfer of purchase. Any such transferee shall be entitled to avail the ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITEDNR only during the unexpired portion of the package Period subject to terms and conditions herein. Reissuance of ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED package Certificate shall be affected within days from the date of submission of transfer along with necessary documents.
  7. In all cases the legal heirs/successors to the deceased purchaser shall be entitled to only the unexpired portion of the Package on obtaining fresh ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED Package Certificate from ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED and shall be subject to all the liabilities and obligations of the deceased purchaser.

  8. a) A purchaser can gift his/her/their package provided payment of guest fee charges and term and conditions as issued by ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED time to time. b) The guest shall show the authorisation from Purchaser with proof of identity. c) Advance holidays: Purchaser can avail holidays for subsequent years in advance subject to maximum of 12 nights and 13 days) in a year and subject to payment of AMC for that subsequent year. d) Accumulation: An utilized Week/Days in a year can be accumulated the maximum number of days to the credit of the purchaser at any point of time shall not exceed 21 days (12 nights and 13 days) including the current year’s entitlement.

  9. AMC shall be paid by every member from first year. Purchaser is required to make payment toward AMC a sum of Rs. 8900/- for Studio and Rs. 11999/- for 1BR Accommodation. AMC is Including taxes and shall be payable irrespective of the usage of the vacation/facilities/amenities. However in the event the AMC amount of the advanced holidays is increased in the following year then the member advancing the holiday shall be liable to remit the difference by which the amount of AMC payable for the advanced year has been increased/decreased.

  10. Failure to clear dues including AMC towards First Party shall be a default and the vacations cannot be utilised unless all the dues are clear. The member is aware that there is no offer of any kind whatsoever that allows waiver of AMC. An exchange fees can also apply if the property is within domestic/international associated locations. AMC will increase by 15% every Three Years on the last paid AMC without prior notice.

  11. Purchasers are allowed a period of 7 calendar days from the date of ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED realisation of the full Payment to withdraw their purchaser application and claim a Full Refund (after deduction of admin fees & GST ). If the application for withdrawal duly signed by the purchaser (in case of joint application both the Principal Purchaser and Co-Purchaser) is not received within 7 calendar days from the date of receipt of the Payment, the purchaser right to claim the withdrawal and the Purchaser entitlement to Refund shall lapse. For the purpose of making this important communication on time ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED recommends that you use Speed Post/Registered Post/Courier Services for communicating with ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED. 

  12. All holiday reservations will be done on first-come-first serve basis and are consequently subject to eligibility and availability. Request for reservation can be done from 3 months to 2 day prior depending upon the prevailing reservation rules a) Platinum (Highly Priority) b) Gold (Medium Priority) c) Silver (Low Priority) to the commencement of the holiday. a) All Exchange packages will be complimentary through our exchange plan. b) It is understood that all exchange are to book through International travel buzz exchange, ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED and exchange plan. Presently National/Domestic exchange fee is Rs.10500/- per week and International Exchange fee is 21000/-

  13. Notwithstanding anything stated herein above, ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED shall not incur any liability if it is not in a position to fulfil its obligation by reason of war, civil commotion, act of God, any notification from any Court of law or Government or any other person beyond the reasonable control of ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED.

  14. As per the Government Guidelines/Know Your Customer (KYC) norms, the PURCHASER is liable to submit all the required Government issued documents towards his/her/its proof of address and identity at the time of check-in at a ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITEDNR.

  15. Second party understands that this Agreement supersedes any communication whether written or oral or any variation or hand written remarks rewriting on the printed Agreement made by the Agent and/or representative of ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED or second Party to the Agreement to the and/or written Agreement by ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED representatives (including on Company Letter Head or Stamp Paper). Further second Party understands that the benefits and terms of the membership set out on this Agreement are final and binding on ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED and Second Party.

  16. Second Party hereby declares that particulars given above are true, correct and are completely in order. In any transaction is delayed or not affected at all for the reason of incomplete or incorrect information, second Party shall not hold the First Party responsible for any loss/damage/ inconvenience caused due to the same. The second Party shall within thirty days from shifting to any other residence apart from at the address mentioned in the application shall intimate the same to the ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED at the address mentioned in this application regarding the new address along with the address proof. In the event the intimation of change of address is not given to ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED, any communication either by ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED or through their legal authorised representative are deemed to be served on the address mentioned in this agreement n application.

  17. Second Party acknowledges and confirms that all the terms and Conditions, Rules and regulations, By Laws of the First Party shall be fully and completely binding on Second Party on signing this agreement by Second Party and that any further amendments to the same shall also be binding upon the Second Party.

  18. First Party confirms that Second Party shall not use the offer if any, or the faculties offered pursuant, to the offer if any, for any improper or alleged or unlawful purposes/activities or adopt or alter the same for any improper or illegal or unlawful gain.

  19. Second Party acknowledges the First party has been treated pleasantly and courteously and Second Party entered into this Agreement at his/her freewill and accord and there is no compulsion or coercion or undue influence exercised by RHHPL and/or its agents/representatives.

  20. Second Party hereby confirms that the second Party has been gone through the aforesaid Terms and Conditions and Package Benefits, Obligations and hereby unconditionally give irrevocable consent to the signing of this agreement of vacation with Company. The second Part undertakes that the vacation charge is not refundable deposit and not an investment. The ROCKLAND HOLIDAYS AND HOSPITALITY PRIVATE LIMITED Package deposit fee is not refundable under any circumstances.

  21. Member confirms that this agreement is accepted without any force and confirms that this agreement does not create any undue financial burden on him or on his family.

  22. I confirmed and understand that no verbal promised are valid and developer does not take any responsibility for the same.

  23. Purchaser understand and accept that in case of any dispute between the parties will settle only through currently applicable arbitration act. Arbitration will be appointed by the company and his or her decision will be abide by all the concerned parties.
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